On-line appointment

Contactless OCT

Our clinics are all equipped with an eye tomograph of the 3rd generation Cirrus HD-OCT, which belongs to the most accurate and fastest in its category. The examination on the eye tomograph (OCT) helps our doctors make the right decision about finding the best alternative for your eyes. The OCT examination is completely pain free, without touching the eye, without any injections and only takes a couple of minutes.  


Oční klinika NeoVize, bezkontaktní oční tomograf Cirrus OCT HD


The OCT examination brings the doctor much more detailed information about the intraocular structures of the eye than any previous methods in existence. Moreover, the Cirrus OCT HD also offers the doctor highly professional analyses and graphical portrayals of the obtained results thanks to the impeccable optics and the software possibilities. The doctor obtains the relevant information materials, based on which he can further develop and judge the individual treatment plan.  


Oční klinika NeoVize, vyšetření na očním tomografu


Are you interested in more concrete and detailled information about the eye tomograph Cirrus OCT HD? You can find it HERE. Are you interested in an examination with the eye tomograph Cirrus OCT HD? You can make an appointment by telephone or online. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.   
