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The OCT examination – the optical coherence tomograph


Oční klinika NeoVize, vyšetření na očním tomografu (OCT)The  OCT examination (optical coherent tomography) is important before a majority of optical procedures. It provides the doctors with important data about the inner structures of your eye, based on which they can make the best decision about the type of care that will be suitable for you.    

The doctors at our clinics are using the top optical coherence tomograph Cirrus OCT HD from the German company Carl Zeiss for their retinal examinations.    

The OCT examination is completely pain free and only takes a few minutes. Usually, OCT machines require dilated pupils for the examination, but the OCT we use in our clinics is able to examine you without dilating your eyes first. That means that the patient can drive a car and focus normally right after the examination.  

The OCT examination provides the doctor with much more detailed information about the retinal state and its individual layers than any other examination methods had ever been able to. With the help of a laser ray, the machine measures and impeccably maps the retina. Afterwards, it creates incisions in the retinal structure in any place the doctor needs to visualize.  Additionally, the Cirrus OCT HD can also provide the doctor with highly professional analyses and graphic imaging of the obtained results. That way, the doctor is provided with relevant material, based on which he can evaluate the following individual treatment. 

The examination with a modern OCT is inevitable in the cases of:  

  • a suspected glaucoma and its treatment,  
  • retinal diseases – VPDM (age- related degeneration of the macula),  
  • diabetic retinopathy, macular gap,  
  • diseases of the retina, vitreous body and the optical nerve.   

výsledky vyšetření z očního tomografu Cirrus HD-OCT - Oční klinika NeoVize Brno


The OCT examination helps doctors:   

  • make the correct diagnosis   
  • compare the examination in different time intervals   
  • plan a potential surgical treatment   
  • plan a potential injection treatment with Avastin   
  • evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment   
  • recognize when the treatment is unnecessary or insufficient  




Oční tomograf Cirrus HD-OCT - Oční klinika NeoVize Brno


All above- mentioned diseases are very serious and can lead to a damaged eye sight and eventually to a complete loss of vision.   

